Are you in desperate need of some extra cash yet have a poor credit score? If you answered yes, payday loans are the greatest option for you, and guess what? Within 24 hours, you will receive your payments. Obtaining a Utah payday loan can help you meet an immediate financial requirement in an emergency or unplanned circumstance. Emergencies can’t be postponed. You may not have time to wait for a typical method of borrowing to get approved if your car breaks down or your furnace has to be changed.
Patronize our lending firm and get deposit funds into your account within minutes of receiving your application. You will be able to obtain the funds you require to cover short-term expenses. The procedure is short and painless. The debt is usually paid off automatically with a post-dated check. Utah payday loans are now available online and have very lenient payday loan regulations.
Utah has a variety of loan options
Payday Loans
A payday loan is a short-term loan designed to help you meet immediate financial needs till your next cheque arrives. You can receive a payday loan online or at a payday lender’s physical location. To secure this loan is simple, and it does not require any collateral security or a decent credit score.
Law Status | Legal |
Minimum Loan Amount | Not Specified |
Maximum Loan Amount | No Limit |
Minimum Loan Term | Not Specified |
Maximum Loan Term | 70 Days (10 Weeks) |
Maximum Annual Percentage Rate (APR)% | 658% |
Additional Fees | Not Limited |
Non-Sufficient Fund (NSF) Fees | $15 |
Collateral Or Guarantor | None |
Number of Simultaneous Loans | No Limit |
Cooling-off Period | None |
Rollover | Not Specified (Extension can be up to 10 weeks or 70 Days) |
Extension, Repayment plan | Once A Year Repayment Plan |
Default Penalties | None |
Credit Score Requirement | Accessible For Bad Credit |
Installment Loans/deferred payment
This type of loan gives a borrower a certain amount of money that must be paid back in regular installments. Both online and in-store lenders don’t demand a guarantor or security, and they can put funds into your bank account in as little as one to two business days.
In Utah, you can obtain a $5000 deferred payment/instalment loan.
Law Status | Legal |
Minimum Loan Amount | $1000 |
Maximum Loan Amount | $5000 |
Minimum Loan Term | 90 Days |
Maximum Loan Term | 36 Months |
Minimum Annual Percentage Rate (APR)% | 6.63% |
Collateral or Guarantor | None |
Credit Score Requirement | Available for Bad Credit |
Personal Loans
A personal loan is a loan taken out by an individual for personal reasons, such as making investments. These loans are available to anyone with good and bad credit, and there are no restrictions on how you can use them. They can be repaid in flexible monthly payments, and if you can pay them off sooner than expected, you can do so without incurring prepayment penalties.
Law Status | Legal |
Minimum Loan Amount | $1000 |
Maximum Loan Amount | $35,000 |
Minimum Loan Term | 90 Days |
Maximum Loan Term | 60 Months |
Minimum Annual Percentage Rate (APR)% | 4.99% |
Collateral or Guarantor | None |
Credit Score Requirement | Available For Bad Credit |
Are Payday Loans in Utah Accepted?
Utah is one of the few places in the United States where payday loans (also known as deferred deposit loans or cash advance loans) are legal. Because the cost of living in Utah is higher than the national average, many people struggle to make ends meet. As a result, payday loans are quite common in the Beehive State.
Alternatives to Utah Payday Loans
- Inquire with your creditor about a payment plan.
- Get a Side Hustle
- Patronize credit union
- Become a freelancer and sell your soft skills online
- Lend from friends and relatives
How Do Payday Loans in Utah Work?
- Create an account with a trusted and registered payday loan company like ours.
- Fill out an application form with correct info like; active email address, phone number, social security number.
- Click submit after ensuring all the info you entered is correct.
- An agreement form would be sent to you, money will be disbursed in the account after you accept.
Repayment is expected on the due date. As much as we do not harass our customers, we expect them to respect the terms of agreement and not default
What Are the Requirements for a Payday Loan in Utah?
- Be at least 18 years old;
- Have an active checking account; and
- Provide some proof of income as well as valid identification
- Show proof of residency.
A Sample of a Payday Loan in Utah
When you obtain a $200 payday loan with a minimum of 14days in Utah, this is what the interest rate will look like;
The Annual Percentage Rate (APR): 658%
Loan procured; $200
Finance charge (for 7 days); $20*2 = $40
To return; $240
APR% calculation = $40/$200= 0.2*365= $73/7days = 10.43
= 1043%
Are payday loans legal in Utah?
Yes! Payday loan are completely legal in Utah
What is the easiest payday loan app?
There is no payday loan app that is the easiest, the best way is to check through different apps and choose the one that fits your needs best.
What are 3 alternatives to getting a payday loan?
Three alternatives to payday loan includes;
- Getting a side hustle
- credit unions
- Inquiring about a payment plan with your creditor
What will stop you from getting a payday loan?
If you do not have a steady flow of income, you may have difficulty obtaining a payday loan. Payday lenders take this seriously because it helps them determine your ability to repay what you borrowed.